Republican National Convention Day 4

The final day of the 2016 Republican National Convention ended with the best and the most powerful and historic speech in the history of American politics! Here is my review of what occurred on this great day:

*Donald J. Trump delivered the best speech in his life! Trump delivered it in a very real, personal and powerful way that appeals to all law-abiding American citizens especially the middle class who have been forgotten over the past couple of years. Trump went specifically point by point about his plan to restore America’s greatness. He billed himself as the “law & order” who will support law enforcement and enforce all laws. He pledged to protect America and it’s citizens from criminals and terrorists. He pledged to reform our trade deals to bring back jobs to China. He pledged to create middle class jobs. He pledged to cut taxes significantly and cut wasteful government spending. He pledged to appoint Conservative Supreme Court Justices. He pledged to block all immigration and refugees from countries that have lots of terrorism. He pledged to build a wall and abolish sanctuary cities. He pledged to protect religious liberties. He pledged to fix the rigged system. Those proposals are Conservative and will appeal to many Republicans and Independents who are feeling left out by a rigged system. My favorite part of Trump’s speech was when he called Crooked Hillary Clinton a puppet who’s strings  are controlled by big business and special interests. My 2nd favorite part was when his speech was interrupted by a protester, Trump thanked the police officers and the whole crowd went wild! Unlike the Democrats, Trump did not pander to a certain group of people, his speech was directly addressed at all Americans! Trump’s speech is the longest in history but it was really worth it Trump’s speech made me really proud to be an American and I believe America’s greatness will be restored if Trump is elected President.

*Ivanka Trump delivered a beautiful and inspiring speech about her father. She revealed a softer side of Mr. Trump. She said Trump created many jobs for Women for a very long time. Ivanka ex0lained her father paid his female workers really well compared to Hillary Clinton. I loved it when she said her father takes her calls 100% even during meetings. That shows how her father really loves and cares about his children. Ivanka is a successful lady and she is a brilliant role model for women. She is a big rising star and has a bright and lovely future.

*Other speeches I liked include Pastor Mark Burns who delivered an amazing speech calling for all Americans of color to unite. My favorite part was when Pastor Burns said  in America, the only colors that matters are “red, white, and blue.” I also liked Peter Thiel’s speech. He exposed the failures of the Neocons and Hilary Clinton and how Trump is fighting against the corrupt establishment.

*The GOP Convention ended without any riots or significant violence. Good Job, Cleveland Police God Bless Them for keeping the protests peaceful!

It’s amazing how a Businessman, fought against the odds of a politcla and media establishment to become the nominee of a major American political party. Donald J. Trump has  changed American politics for the better. I believe Trump is the best and strongest candidate since Ronald Reagan. He has a great chance of beating Hillary Clinton and becoming the 45th President of the United States! I predict Trump will receive a YUGE bump after the convention. Thanks for Reading!

One comment

  1. Excellent article. Every bit of it is true. It’s great to finally see a glimmer of hope on the horizon after all these gloomy years of Obama.

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