Election 2016 Update #3

We are witnessing  very important and historic moment in American history. Today, I will review and explain what is happening right now and I will give some advice and predictions on the future.

GOP Primary Review:

If you asked me a year ago who will be the Republican nominee and you said Donald J. Trump, I would be laughing! It is so astonishing and amazing that a very successful Businessman with no connections to the political Establishment came out of nowhere in June 2015 and suddenly became the Republican frontrunner and eventually the Republican nominee. Despite everyday harsh attacks from the Media, Donald Trump, using his unique and articulate skills from his “Art of the Deal” book, successfully destroyed and defeated all 16 opposing candidates which has astonished many Americans. How did Trump defeat the GOP Establishment and their candidates? First, Trump exposed the corruption, lies and failures of both political parties which resonated with many Independents and Republicans who are simply fed up with Washington DC politicians breaking their promises. Republican voters gave their party the House and then the Senate and the GOP has still failed to block President Obama’s failed programs and failed to cut taxes and spending which they promised. The GOP Establishment also failed to repeal ObamaCare and block Executive Amnesty and the Iran Deal which has angered many. Second, Trump’s strong position on trade has also resonated and has brought millions of new working class blue-collar voters into the Republican party. Over the past 20 years, America has lost millions of jobs due to our trade agreements and automation and Trump’s promise to bring back high paying jobs from other countries has resonated with the Middle class who have seen their wages decline. Third, Trump’s decision to self finance and have no Super PACs has also resonated with Americans who think politics is simply corrupt. Fourth, Trump has exposed the foreign policy failures of the Neoconservative ideology. Many Americans are sick and tired of seeing their tax dollars being used on useless wars and nation building. Finally, Trump has the strongest position on illegal immigration which in my view should be a major issue in America. His promise to build a wall and deport all illegal immigrants has resonated with many who are fed up with increasing crime in our neighborhoods due to illegals and illegals stealing our jobs. The media thinks Trump is controversial but many say that is not the case. Trump is a brave, smart and tough businessman who knows how the system works and I believe he would be a great President.

Here are my top 5 Vice Presidential picks for Donald J. Trump

1. Rand Paul – will drive the Neocons nuts and will unite the Trump & Cruz supporters as well as bring in younger and Libertarian voters.
2. Tim Scott – Black Conservative Senator from the South who is likable and can appeal to minorities.
3. Mike Lee – Very Conservative and Smart Senator who will unite the Trump & Cruz supporters.
4. Tom Cotton – Southern Senator who was the only Senator to vote against the Iran Deal
5. Allen West – Outsider, former Congressman and Patriotic Veteran who is Conservative and has experience in foreign policy

Trump should NOT pick the following for his running mate:

*Marco Rubio – Establishment Favorite. Liberal on immigration.
*Nikki Haley – same as Rubio
*Ted Cruz – not likable, so dishonest and so untrustworthy. Would rather have Trump appoint him as Supreme Court Justice
*John Kasich – supported NAFTA, amnesty, ObamaCare Medicaid expansion. Not mature and weird at times
*Jeb! Bush – for obvious reasons
*Condi Rice – She’s a Bush Neocon.
*Rick Synder – Trump will put Michigan into play but he can not pick Gov. Synder because the Democrats will attack him viciously on the Flint Water Crisis

Here are my major cabinet picks for Donald J. Trump:

Chief of Staff – Newt Gingrich
National Security Advisor – Rudy Guilani
Secretary of State – Rand Paul
Secretary of Defense – Allen West
Secretary of Homeland Security – Jeff Sessions
Secretary of Treasury – Ron Johnson
Attorney General – Chris Christie
Secretary of Health & Human Resources – Dr. Ben Carson
Secretary of Housing & Urban Development – Ivanka Trump
Secretary of Veteran Affairs – Duncan Hunter
Trade Representative – Carl Icahn
Director of the Office of Management and Budget – Tom Coburn
White House Spokesperson – Katrina Pierson
White House Political Advisor – Paul Manafort
Postmaster General – John Kasich


Democrat Primary Review:

As of this writing, the Democrat primary is surprisingly still ongoing while the GOP primary has ended which is ironic considering many believed the Democrats would end early while the GOP would have a brokered convention. Hillary Clinton will probably be the nominee due to the Democrat’s corrupt superdelegate system. Bernie Sanders will remain in the race as we will still manage to win some states despite being mathematically eliminated. While I absolutely despise Sen. Sanders as I believe his ideas would absolutely destroy America, I do admire and I am glad he is brave enough to stay in the race and challenge the corrupt Clinton machine. Sanders is actually helping the Republicans in the General Election by attacking Hillary’s weakness and challenging her trustworthiness. Hillary, on the other hand, continues to lie, distort and be arrogant which is hurting her among Democrat and Independent voters because many believe she’s weak. Many Sanders supporters see Hillary as not liberal enough and I predict many of them will stay home in the General Election which helps Trump. The Democrat party has moved so far to the left and out of touch with mainstream middle America. I hope the GOP and Trump uses this point in the General Election.

Hillary Clinton should choose one of the following for her Vice Presidential running mate:
*Elizabeth Warren – She will be Hillary’s likely choice. She is so far-left but many Bernie Sanders supporters really hate Hillary that if she picks Warren, many will call her a traitor! In addition, the Republicans will attack Warren as way too far-left and out of touch with middle America.
*Al Franken – Another far-left Senator who was a clown and a comedian before being elected Senator. Republicans and Trump will mock him a lot.
*Cory Booker – While very likable, he will have no impact at all
*Martin O’Malley – Very dull and will have no impact at all.
*Tom Perez – Same as above plus no one knows him
*Deval Patrick – Same as above

Hillary Clinton should NOT choose the following as her running mate. Republicans and Donald Trump must prepare and read the following below

*Julian Castro – Trump & the Republicans should be scared and should be prepared if Hillary choose him. He is basically a Establishment cabinet member who the Liberal Media really loves and wants to be Hillary’s running mate. He will viciously attack Donald Trump on his illegal immigration position and could be effective in energizing the Hispanic base into voting for Hillary.
*Tim Kaine – Sen. Kaine will help Hillary carry the swing state of Virginia.
*Sherrod Brown – Sen. Brown will help Hillary carry the swing state of Ohio.
*Bernie Sanders – This will never happen but if it does happen, then nearly all of his supporters will vote for Hillary and the Republicans and our country could be doomed.

My Advice for Donald J. Trump:

  1. Build up a strong organization and ground game in the key swing states of Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, New Hampshire, Iowa, Wisconsin, Colorado and Nevada. Trump should invest his money and wealth into new technology and voter targeting resources so we can successfully mobilize existing and new voters in November. The Democrats have already proven the have a strong political ground game machine and Trump & the RNC must match or exceed the Democrat’s ground game.
  2. Unite the Republican party. There are some Conservatives who are very disappointed and they could stay home. Trump should appeal to the Conservatives by promising to appoint their hero Ted Cruz to the Supreme Court. This will energize the Conservatives who supported Cruz in the primaries. Trump also needs to explain his immigration plan is the most conservative ever and he must repeat and explain his promise to abolish the EPA and the Department of Education.
  3. Name a cabinet before the Republican National Convention convenes in July. This will energize Conservatives and Republican voters and the party will have a strong and long term platform and plan for the future. I suggest Trump and his aides read my cabinet list above.
  4. Have a new “Contract of America”. Back in 1994, Trump’s friend, Newt Gingrich, developed and used a Contract of America to help Republicans regain control of Congress. Trump should team up with Gingrich and develop a new 21st century Contract of America so the Republican party can have a new, clear, specific, common sense and easy to understand platform heading into the General Election. This will also help the Senators and the Representatives who are up for reelection. This will also help unite the party.
  5. Explain to the Hispanic community how deporting all illegal immigrants will actually help them. Trump needs to say to the Hispanics that there neighborhoods will be much safer after he deports all illegals and that building a wall will help decrease the amount of drugs and illegal guns smuggling into our country. Trump should also explain to Hispanics how bringing jobs back from other countries will help them significantly. This all could also be applied to the Black community. If Trump successfully does all of that, then he could get 40% of Hispanic voters and 20% of black voters.
  6. Appeal to Bernie Sanders’ former supporters. Many Sanders supporters will be staying home because they do not trust Hillary Clinton. Trump should tell them he agrees with Sanders on trade. He also should promise them he will have a plan to deal with Campaign Finance Reform and promise them not to intervene in useless unnecessary wars. If Trump promises them all of that, then he could get at least 50% of Sanders’ former supporters.
  7. Expose & Destroy Crooked Hillary Clinton. Trump must go full nuclear on Hillary Clinton. He must  expose Hilary for all of her lies, scandals, and flip-flops of her 25 year career. Trump must repeatedly bring up Hillary’s failed intervention in Libya which lead to 4 Americans dying in Benghazi which Hillary lied and forgot about them. Trump must also expose Hillary for her Clinton Foundation corruption scandals as well as her email scandals. Finally, Trump must ask this question to the American voter: “After seeing what Hillary has done with Benghazi and her emails, do you trust her on the nuclear button?”. If Trump does all of that, Hillary Clinton’s unfavorable ratings will increase to being higher than Trump’s unfavorable ratings!

General Election Preview:

2016 will be the most important, interesting and unpredictable election campaign in all of our lifetime. The Republicans will nominate a successful unpredictable politically incorrect Businessman while the Democrats will nominate a Unpopular Establishment longtime politician who is under investigation by the FBI and has a history of lies and corruption. The FBI has yet to conclude it’s investigation on Hillary and there could be a YUGE October Surprise in store for her. She could get indicted a month before America votes and if that happens, then their will be a crisis in the Democrat party. But I expect the FBI to recommend indictment but the Justice Department will refuse to indict Hillary for political reasons which will hurt her significantly among Independent voters. This election year will feature the most nastiest and dirtiest campaigns ever in our lifetime. You will have many insults, personal attacks and lies coming from all directions. We are in the process of witnessing the biggest political realignment  since the 1990s which could benefit the Republicans as millions of Reagan Democrats will be returning to the GOP while Neoconservatives will be returning to the Democrat party. I do not know who will win in the end yet but I am glad that I am alive to be witnessing the most historic and unpredictable election seasons in my lifetime that will never be repeated. Thanks for Reading!

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